French mum interview #1: Noémie and her crêpes recipe

Good morning! Today I thought I would publish my first French mum interview! Yes I know… a lot of exclamation marks (!!!), I’m super-excited, I think this is such precious “bites and pieces”… Noémie, one of my dearest friends from childhood, has agreed to share with us food stories that are close to her heart. She is [...]

French mum interview #1: Noémie and her crêpes recipe2018-02-02T20:41:16+00:00

Iconic French recipe: le gâteau au yaourt

Welcome to Croque-Maman! As a first post on this blog I really wanted to share with you a recipe that captures the essence of Croque-Maman: a quick and easy family recipe that you cook for/with children whatever their age and which makes them feel warm and welcome home. The gâteau au yaourt is the most [...]

Iconic French recipe: le gâteau au yaourt2019-02-12T15:34:01+00:00
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