March 2018

Delicious French roast chicken


This delicious French roast chicken recipe follows from my interview of Nathalie, from Les Toques en Culottes Courtes. It is her go-to easy family dish so much so that she calls it her "poulet du samedi midi", her Saturday lunch roast chicken. I have made it several times now and it is delicious. The fact [...]

Delicious French roast chicken2018-03-02T07:54:43+00:00

February 2018

Croque-Maman meets Nathalie, from Les Toques en Culottes Courtes


It has been far too long since my last mum’s interview! They represent such a unique way to immerse you in the French family food culture. Today it is all about Nathalie, from Les Toques en Culottes Courtes, a friend of mine who lives in London since over three years. She is the proud mum [...]

Croque-Maman meets Nathalie, from Les Toques en Culottes Courtes2018-02-16T14:45:16+00:00

Dark chocolate fondants with a white chocolate heart


I learnt to bake these little dark chocolate fondants with a white chocolate heart at a Parisian cookery school. Back in the days when I wasn't a mum (don't listen to my children it did happen !!!), I attended my friend's Natacha hen do in Paris. As part of the celebration we attended a cookery [...]

Dark chocolate fondants with a white chocolate heart2018-02-14T16:50:22+00:00

French most famous savoury crêpe recipe: la crêpe complète


Pancake day is around the corner… which means a perfect excuse to treat yourself and your little ones to some French pancakes ;) Why not celebrate Shrove Tuesday full on this year by making an entire meal out of pancakes? The key to do so is to make your pancakes in advance. You can use: [...]

French most famous savoury crêpe recipe: la crêpe complète2018-02-02T20:53:19+00:00
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