Last month I entered a monthly blogging challenge guest hosted by Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary and developed by Fuss Free Flavours and Utterly Scrummy Food for families. The challenge is to keep finding new ways to get an extra portion of veg in your family meals, a great challenge, isn’t it? I shared the recipe of my carrot coconut puree (a clear family favourite) and I won a prize (!!!): a huge fruit and veg box from Wholegood!!! They definitely know how to reach a blogger’s heart… my head was spinning with recipe ideas!!! 

Lots of you actually asked me what I was going to do with it and now that everything has been eaten I thought it was a nice idea to share with you what I did with the all thing… I would love to know as well what you would have done if you would have received the same fruit and veg box or what you did with your latest fruit and veg box.

Fruit & Veg box

  • Portobello Mushrooms

I made a delicious omelette on the top of which I added the cooked portobello mushrooms with some grated emmental before folding, awaiting for the cheese to melt before serving…. a wonderful quick & easy supper.

  • Leeks

I made a crust-free quiche with leeks and bacon, another quick and easy recipe I am yet to share! The boys always wolf this down.

  •  Brussel Sprouts

As you can see the boys were really keen to help me prepare the Brussel sprouts! They managed to rip most of the sprouts and put them in a bowl for me! I cooked brussel sprouts with chestnut and bacon as a main. It was a wonderful combination. My husband and I loved it but the boys were not so keen. I think I should have chopped everything in even smaller pieces or even puree the Brussel sprouts and leave the chestnut and bacon in small pieces. It was so nice and not bitter in any way so I will definitely give it a try another time.


Brussel sprouts - Croque-Maman

  •  Cauliflower & Purple sprouting broccoli

I added the purple sprouting broccoli to my traditional “gratin de choux-fleur” which was delicious.

  •  Rainbow carrots

I added them to my vegetable pasta sauce, they were so tasty and beautiful.

  • Rainbow chard

I have had lots of Swiss chard when I was a child and I loved it. Little did I know that rainbow chards excisted! So beautiful! Anyway I just thought that I needed an expert to help me preparing and cooking this… so I called… my dad :-) We had these rainbow chards as a side with a little bit of creme fraiche, delicious, we all loved this.

Rainbow chards - Croque-Maman

  • Red onions

 They were so many onions in this bag, they could not have been used to season dishes only so I made a dish full of it: an onion tart, it was amazing.

La tarte aux oignons (watermark) - Croque-Maman

  • Robinta red potatoes

Potatoes are so versatile yet I don’t cook with them this often in our house at the moment. As a result they ended up as the last ones to be used. I finally found a perfect happy ending for them  when my friends came over for a raclette: they ended up steamed with new potatoes :-)

  • Falstaff apples, conference pears and mandarins

We have eaten all of these fruits raw. The boys go through so much fresh fruits every week that these came in very handy and the selection was really appropriate as the boys favourite fruit at the moment is pear. The mandarin skin was too thin for clementine lanterns but yet delicious.

Croque-Maman - Clementine Lantern (closed watermark x-small)

So the question is… what would you have done if you would have received the same fruit and veg box? And oh… what have you done with your latest fruit and veg box?