You first eat with your eyes, don’t you?

As such, when I thought of starting my food blog, I thought: I really needed to get into food photography and even photography in the first place as I knew nothing about it… 

It felt overwhelming at first but, nowadays, a few months down the line, I even receive some compliments about my pictures (!!!).  

I’m over the moon because I really enjoy it and in the same way that I think that anyone can cook, I’m a firm believer that if you want to take nice pictures you can… where there’s a will there’s a way :-)

Whether you want to get into food photography or if you are just curious to know how everything is happening behind the scenes at Croque-Maman, you will find below my food blogger photography tools. I have really screened the web before buying/getting each of these tools. I guess it is beginner’s kit but I love it :-)

Please do not hesitate to let me know your thoughts on it!


I received my camera about a year ago in Christmas 2012/13, one of my best present ever :-). At first I was a bit scared, all these settings… 

For the first six months I shot in automatic and I even started to regret having asked for such an expensive treat… I thought that the pictures often looked worse than the ones with my small digital camera!!!


Canon 650D (front and back)

But then, during Summer 13,  whilst I stayed at my dad’s house in France with the boys, I made a step change. When the boys were napping I started to read, my camera in hand, the user manual first and then a couple of books about food photography. It was time to let go the automatic mode. My pictures improved massively and I never looked back. I love my camera! 

My camera came with a 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II Lens Kit but I have never used it for food photography, only for general photography. For my food photography I purchased the Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8 II Lens, maybe one of the cheapest lens on the market to start experimenting with low light, shallow depth of field (blurred background effect) and getting sharp results. It is amazing.


It is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a free software that allows me to retouch my photos (white balance, sharpen…) when required and to add various layers to them (texts, boxes…). 

I started manipulating my pictures using a trial version of Photoshop but I could not really legitimate the cost of buying it. A friend of mine recommended GIMP to me. I found in GIMP all the functions I was using in Photoshop. It’s great. Have a go at it, it’s free :-)


I’ve learned everything I know about food photography reading books and websites, attending a food photography course and of course practicing, practicing and practicing!!! Aside from my camera manual, there is one book, which I keep going back to as my reference it is the tasty food photography e-book, by Pinch of Yum. It covers it all: technical bits (shutter speed, aperture and ISO), lightning, composition, props and set up, editing and workflow. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

 Tasty Food Photography (small)


 Well you need space for all these pictures, don’t you?!?

Memory card

I have two of those: one that I use to diffuse the light (translucent feature) and one that I use to reflect the light (silver feature). Sometimes I shoot in very funny positions as I have no assistant to hold them in the perfect place. I really need to get a cat (it sounds random but I’m always looking for a good excuse to get a cat :-)) In this instance it may be more relevant to get a reflector stand I know…

Reflector Diffuser

I haven’t taken my tools anywhere so far but it’s great to have a bag to put everything all together and I can just do this with this bag. I can even put my laptop in it :-)

 Photography backpack

  • Letter to Santa & Other considerations


So far I don’t own a tripod. As such, I always handhold my camera and, as I have been thought during my food photography course,  the slowest shutter speed I use is 1/125. A friend of mine just lent me her tripod so as I can experiment with it. It is a Manfrotto. I haven’t had a chance to use it yet but I will let you know. 

External hard-drive

I do not have an external hard-drive at this stage but I know I need to buy one as my pictures are quite big, my laptop really basic and I can feel that it is starting to slow the all thing down. 

Reflector stand

Sometimes I wish I had a reflector stand but I did not take the time to properly look into this yet :-)

White balance card

My brother bought me a white balance card for Christmas but I can’t find it since we moved house and as such I haven’t had a chance to use it… As a result I continue using the feature in my editing software.


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