Chocolate and butternut squash marble cake

When I think about veggie cakes I think carrot cake, don't you? Well, these days you can find cake recipes with all sorts of vegetables in them but until now, for some reason, I had not really explored this cooking universe myself. Flipping through a French cookery magazine a girlfriend of mine offered me, Saveurs, I discovered [...]

Chocolate and butternut squash marble cake2018-02-04T17:13:31+00:00

Wonderful quick & easy French summer dessert: le vacherin glacé

A couple of years ago, when my husband and I were only boyfriend and girlfriend, we got invited  to a summer wedding in the beautiful town of Cognac. Yes this variety of brandy does take its name from a little French town, in the West of France.  As a French person living in the UK since 9 [...]

Wonderful quick & easy French summer dessert: le vacherin glacé2017-03-24T05:38:10+00:00

Guest posting today! Tartine aux copeaux de chocolat

Today I have the great pleasure to guest post for Karen Le Billon, the author of French Kids Eat Everything: How our family moved to France, cured picky eating, banned snacking and discovered 10 simple rules for raising happy, healthy eaters. She is about to release a new book, Getting to Yum: The 7 Secrets [...]

Guest posting today! Tartine aux copeaux de chocolat2017-03-24T05:38:12+00:00


As promised I took a few pictures for you from my holidays and I even thought of a little souvenir recipe... les roudoudous (caramel lollipops in shells)! First things first the holidays... Before having children my husband and I were really much into backpacking/visiting holidays. They would generally include a few relaxing days towards the [...]

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