How do French mums get their little ones to be happy eaters?

Getting children to eat and enjoy a wide variety of food can seem a really daunting task, you don’t know where to start and you can face many challenges… but it does not have to be this way. With Croque-Maman’s e-boutique and blog, you will find all you need to raise little foodies, French style!

Inspiring and beautiful products to raise happy eaters


Quick and easy yet delicious recipes


How to place food at the heart of family life



My name is Helene AKA Croque-Maman. I am a French mum of Croque-Maman - Helenetwo wonderful and energetic twin boys living London. When I was on maternity leave, my friends kept asking me how French mums were raising happy eaters. As a food lover, I was really keen to spread the love and share my and other mums’ secrets, it then inspired me to create my blog and ultimately to launch my brand new e-boutique.


As a mum I find even more unbearable than before seeing the pain of starving children so I have decided to give 5% of Croque-Maman’s profit to relief childhood hunger. It’s simple: for every product you buy, Croque-Maman gives life-saving food to a child in need. We all eat together.

Bon appétit!