I am over the moon and thrilled to announce to you that Croque-Maman has reached the finals of the fifth annual Mum and Dad (MAD) Blog Awards , which celebrate the UK’s thriving parent blogging community.  

What an amazing thing to come back to! Thank you soooo much for your support!!!

The cherry on the cake is that, Croque-Maman is not only a MAD awards finalist in one category but in two (!!!): best new blog and best blog photography. Words cannot describe how happy I am. More than 200,000 nominations were submitted in the awards this year, with just 75 blogs reaching the finals.  

For the ones who know me personally you will know that this means the world to me. As I explained in my MAD Awards Nominations post Croque-Maman, plays a key role in my new life balance, I love it and I’m putting all my heart in it so as you can love it too. Being a finalist is mind-blowing I cannot even imagine what it would feel to win this!


Have a look through my website and if you feel that I have what it takes to win this competition, please vote again for Croque-Maman! I promise it only takes a minute.   

Go to the MAD Awards Voting page

Enter your name and e-mail address

Select Croque-Maman from the drop down lists of best new blog and/or best blog photography,

Click submit!

 Thank you ever so much, Helene @Croque-Maman


Meanwhile I am going to work hard on some new quality content for you :-) I have had lots of new ideas going through my mind during these holidays so watch this space!!! 

Photo credit: www.paperandtype.com